About ME:

I first started doing coding at year 5, on khan academy JavaScript, HTML etc. I then started doing scratch at year 6, when I made my first game. I got a lot of books on the topic, but I'm still kinda struggling with it. HTML is harder than scratch, but I find it more exciting. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a slightly easy, but remembering tags is a struggle. JavaScript was the first programming language I learnt in year 4and I aspire to learn more programming languages.

Software and Programming:

I advanced in: HTML, Scratch, CSS, JavaScript. I am learning: Adobe Indesign, Excel, Photoshop, Python at the moment


Lazing around in my room, playing video games, youtubing, playing on my phone, building random things, normal human things, eating, sleeping, watching movies, more eating, BREATHING, watching memes, snitching on friends, annoying friends, annoying people, making random thot-related names.